Becoming wholly human
Wholeness can be felt. We can feel it when the three Awareness Intelligence modes climax into full and sound multi-perspective quality of mind.
Wholeness establishes when the intra-past, the inter-present, and the extra-future consolidate into a mental state, and when intention unites unconditional love, timeless kindness, and purposeful service.
It’s a feeling of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm, which comes from the Greek word ‘enthousiasmos’ that means “possession by a god, inspiration.” The holy inspiration, in my case, is often occurring together with signs like goosebumps and joyful tears as a bodily response to the intensive realization of having become wholly and eternally connected. Awareness so intelligent to be able to embrace all humantime is indeed like embracing God.
When the intelligences of the intra-past, the inter-present, and the extra-future unify into the grid of paramount awareness, an energetic representation of a unified field emanates. In physics, forces are theorized to be transmitted through so-called fields. Deepak Chopra uses, besides the term of the ‘unified field’, also the term ‘cosmic consciousness,’ in which the ‘in-here’ and ‘out-there’ meet.
Awareness Intelligence can be understood as such a field where life intelligence, respectively consciousness, and mentalizing are harmoniously unified.
The unified field of Awareness Intelligence is connecting our thoughts with the nature of life that is within all of us human beings. It is the unified state of humanness that has become all-including and timeless love that lets us witness its power through showers of bliss. It’s that realization of one’s humanity, which is accompanied by a sense of deeply fulfilling enthusiasm.
The term ‘Samadhi,’ as used in yogic practice, is sometimes defined as a non-dualistic state of consciousness, which might be in line with a state of harmonious awareness. Matching aforementioned experience of enthusiasm, Indian Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda describes Samadhi as a blissful state of super-consciousness in which the individual soul is perceived concurrently with the cosmic spirit. Samadhi is considered the final stage of yogic meditation at which union with the divine is reached. And so is Awareness Intelligence at the stage where all its three modes of the intra-past, inter-present, and extra-future point together to a most comprehensive knowing of humantime.
Awareness Intelligence is a maximum mental concentration of psycho-spiritual energy that brings the uncoordinated streams of volatile thoughts of unawareness into one steady river of complete understanding.
Buddhist enlightenment, the so-called Satori, described by Zen Buddhism as a state of the mind that is experiencing the insight into the nature of existence seems to resemble a state of Awareness Intelligence too.
So far:
Chapter 1 — Life’s introduction of Awareness Intelligence
Chapter 2 — The awarenessland of Awaria
Chapter 3 — Your life that is humantime
Chapter 4 — Consciousness, awareness, and social intelligence
Chapter 5 — Broadening the social scope
Chapter 6 — Increasing the attention span
Chapter 7 — Distraction of the mass
Chapter 8 — Missing systematics and links in science
Chapter 9 — Spiritual consumerism and mystification of spiritualism
Chapter 10 — Expanding the here and now
Chapter 11 — Individual revolution, human evolution
Chapter 12 — Mental coordinate system
Chapter 13 — Ignorance is not bliss
Chapter 14 — Awareness Intelligence is learnable
Chapter 15 — The difference between Awareness Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 16 — Technology and the distributed intelligence of the mind
Chapter 17 — The choice to be part of something bigger
Chapter 21 — The Inter-present
Chapter 23 — Full awareness and pure thoughts for coherent meaning
Chapter 24 — The three awareness sparring partners
Chapter 25 — The joy of being, doing, and becoming
Chapter 26 — Learning to die during a lifetime
Chapter 27 — Physical spacelessness and spatial mentalness
Chapter 28 — The law of creation: Intuition, intention, and imagination
Chapter 29 — Energy and the illusionary objectification of life
Chapter 31 — Trialistic harmony, not dualistic balance
Chapter 32 — A tripartite world that works in triplets
Chapter 33 — Triadic philosophies and wisdoms
Chapter 36 — Unconditional love
Chapter 38 — Unimportant urgencies versus purposeful service
Coming next:
Chapter 40 — Exchanging and building energy through gratitude
— In love for my daughter Natalie and all children of this world. —