Lifestyle factors that predict longevity
Geographical and behavioral differences are relevant for how long people live. For example, in an Abkarsian population of Georgia the chance for a citizen of reaching the age of 100 years was 13 times higher than the expectancy in the UK or the US. Weg (1983) found the following factors to be relevant for explaining the phenomenon:
- There may have been a local gene pool of relevance
- They have disciplined work routines
- Their diet is low in saturated fat and high in fruit and vegetables
- They do not smoke or drink alcohol
- They are close-knit, with good social support
- Reported levels of stress are low
However, the interpretation of correlations between such findings and other factors are difficult. But generally, the following 7 lifestyle factors found by many studies contribute to longevity (Laureate Education, 2014):
- Sleeping 7–8 hours per day
- Having breakfast regularly
- Not smoking
- Not eating between meals
- Being near to medically-advised weight
- Moderate alcohol use (or abstinence)
- Taking regular exercise
I really think just these big 7 health habits are the ones everyone needs to consider and fine-tune to his/her personal situation, condition, and preference. Feasible, no? Or easier said than done?:-)