The ability to respond

Mathias Sager
5 min readAug 29, 2019


Psychological issues, and by that ultimately any human-related problems, come either from neurosis or character weaknesses. Both are a matter of lack of responsibility and typically lead to symptoms of individual and collective stress. If a society and its members decide to see the world as threatening, hostile, and transactional instead of being determined by love, and if the path to happiness as the highest goal is considered to be depending on what kind of or how much stuff one can accumulate, it is not surprising that this leads to fear of loss, obsessions, and depression. There lie serious responsibility issues in excusing diminished awareness, which lead to selfish, greedy, and passive behavior. Character flaws tend to be excused at all or as illnesses. It appears that it is cheaper for a society to pay for standard treatments, which bring temporary relief of symptoms rather than to invest in the long-term healing of people as whole-human beings. From a financial and law and order perspective, it is more efficient and effective to fight the most extreme symptoms of exclusion, for example, by paying some public assistance and to exploit only to the point that there remains a broad enough middle class that helps defending the privileges of the upper class than to risk a revolution from below. People need to be kept happy enough in their misery that they are still helping to defend the oppressors’ authority. That’s how it came that everybody’s issue and suffering has become nobody’s focus of awareness.

Several psychological mechanisms are explaining how people are brought to justify existing social systems that do even disadvantage them. Social justification theory is about the promotion of ideologies, which underline the belief in the inferiority of underprivileged groups. So, it is a myth that Western societies are based on equality of opportunity. The economic success of most people also depends on the level of resources allocated to them, for example at the workplace or by parents who could afford better education and the necessary capital for entrepreneurial ventures. However, many people today believe in the story of meritocracy and attribute economic inequality to their own inferiority. Such unaware system justification is further blocking critical thinking and can also manifest in system-reinforcing victim blaming and stereotyping.

The saying “It’s all about the perspective” should not become a justification and excuse for any social exclusion or harm to anybody, regardless of how far away and seemingly unrelated.

It is more sensible to assume a multi-perspective awareness that is all-inclusive rather than defending group interests.

People who are not able to coordinate complex multi-limb movements with their body are called disabled and are not allowed to do certain things like, for example, driving a car as it would be too dangerous for others. But people who are unable to coordinate complex multi-perspective situations in their minds are allowed to run organizations and countries.

In contrast to a leg-focused person who forgets about the arm-movement and therefore is realistically considered a risk for driving a vehicle, a single-minded career of exclusively fighting for one particular group’s interest is likely to be admired for its dedication. Standing up for one group to succeed over others from a humanitarian point of view, however, is like prioritizing eating over drinking. The organism of humankind is doomed to die.

It’s time to assume responsibility for one’s scope of awareness. Humanity needs a shift from physical protection to a right intention. A society guided by Awareness Intelligence does not build on barriers, walls, and defense mechanisms anymore because nobody needs to be protected against Awareness Intelligence that can’t but take care of everybody’s needs. Such is the beautiful nature of responsibility of humantime. What else could be more worth to realize?! I, for my part, rather want to have tried.

Highest qualities of the mind do not know fear from failure as only failure to learn falls short of them.

Everybody can develop Awareness Intelligence. Once tasted, the knowing about one’s self-efficacy irrespective of society’s non-responsiveness or punitiveness, is too good to be given up again. Everybody can get the control over one’s access to life source, to meet other people lovingly in the current moment, and to serve the communal good and next generations to come. Even if you are discouraged and rather hopeless about what you can do about your future, you always can start with impacting others’ today and tomorrow, which, in return, will reveal your future to you as well. Your impact is of the full scope of humankind.

Recognize how important you are. Every dream for a better world, every creative act, and even a seemingly naive idea can inspire and provide the courage to break out of the cage of limited knowing.

Think, paint, play music, dance, write, and think again. It’s not commercial products that touch people’s heart most profoundly. It’s what you can do in your mind. It’s not compliance, but boldness that nurtures your, others, and all humankind’s Awareness Intelligence. Every feed into the expansion of knowing is fuel for more awareness-intelligent thought and more wholesome behavior. Life might be right, and an awarian land of awareness not too far away to be already part of now.

So far:

Chapter 1 — Life’s introduction of Awareness Intelligence

Chapter 2 — The awarenessland of Awaria

Chapter 3 — Your life that is humantime

Chapter 4 — Consciousness, awareness, and social intelligence

Chapter 5 — Broadening the social scope

Chapter 6 — Increasing the attention span

Chapter 7 — Distraction of the mass

Chapter 8 — Missing systematics and links in science

Chapter 9 — Spiritual consumerism and mystification of spiritualism

Chapter 10 — Expanding the here and now

Chapter 11 — Individual revolution, human evolution

Chapter 12 — Mental coordinate system

Chapter 13 — Ignorance is not bliss

Chapter 14 — Awareness Intelligence is learnable

Chapter 15 — The difference between Awareness Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 16 — Technology and the distributed intelligence of the mind

Chapter 17 — The choice to be part of something bigger

Chapter 18/19 — The structure and dimensions of life: The socio-temporal matrix (three tenets of Awareness Intelligence)

Chapter 20 — The Intra-past

Chapter 21 — The Inter-present

Chapter 22 — The Extra-future

Chapter 23 — Full awareness and pure thoughts for coherent meaning

Chapter 24 — The three awareness sparring partners

Chapter 25 — The joy of being, doing, and becoming

Chapter 26 — Learning to die during a lifetime

Chapter 27 — Physical spacelessness and spatial mentalness

Chapter 28 — The law of creation: Intuition, intention, and imagination

Chapter 29 — Energy and the illusionary objectification of life

Chapter 30 — Body, mind, soul

Chapter 31 — Trialistic harmony, not dualistic balance

Chapter 32 — A tripartite world that works in triplets

Chapter 33 — Triadic philosophies and wisdoms

Chapter 34 — Think thrice

Chapter 35 — Circumthinking

Chapter 36 — Unconditional love

Chapter 37 — Humankindism

Chapter 38 — Unimportant urgencies versus purposeful service

Chapter 39 — Becoming wholly human

Chapter 40 — Exchanging and building energy through gratitude

Chapter 41 — Enthusiastic learning and teaching

Chapter 42 — Surviving and thriving through change

Coming next:

Chapter 44 — Safety, satisfaction, and connectedness

— In love for my daughter Natalie and all children of this world. —



Mathias Sager
Mathias Sager

Written by Mathias Sager

Awareness Intelligence research and application since 1975. It’s humantime., Thanks and all the best!

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