The Knotgoblin

Mathias Sager
1 min readMar 22, 2021
THE KNOTGOBLIN (M. Sager, 2021. Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm)

Consistent thinking is the knotgoblin that is strangling our Self. That’s how I’d interpret the deeper meaning of the saying ‘Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds’ by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

First, not changing one’s mind testifies the absence of learning, the addiction to the ever-same thoughts, respectively the missing implementation of lessons learned. Second, if the mind is consumed with matters of consistency (i.e., the texture of material things), there is no space for the world of consciousness that is the seat of the soul.

We all have experienced the feeling of the depressing weight of a knot in our hearts we wish to untie. When the knot gets too tight, we even want to cut the rope. Actually, that’s precisely what needs to be done to remove what makes us feel stuck, stiff, and ugly. If we declutter our minds from stuff, we become free to reach out, love, see the bigger picture, and thrive intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Declutter from consistency, unravel tribulations, detach from dependencies, and the rope will flatten and relax. That’s how the space arises in which we grow.

Do you know your knotgoblin? How’s it holding you knotted? Have you ever tried to untie it?



Mathias Sager

Awareness Intelligence research and application since 1975. It’s humantime., Thanks and all the best!